Book a beach volleyball court for a game with your friends and enjoy the fresh air outdoors while being in close contact with nature. Playing beach volleyball is a fun and engaging activity to do with friends. The soft sand makes the game more physically demanding but also more fun and challenging. Beach volleyball is a very popular sport in beach resorts, Beach volleyball courts can often be found on beaches or in public parks near the coast. It is a great activity for socializing and spending time with friends, creating a relaxed and fun atmosphere.
Adult | Child | Time |
25.00 € | 10.00€ | 60 min |
Spazio Tevere Point, via Cannaro – Torrita Tiberina (Rm)
COVID-19 WARNINGS: Comply with COVID-19 prevention safety regulations. In case of inclement weather, the experience will be postponed or possibly refunded. Cancellation: You may cancel your participation within one day of the booked date.
Explore the Tiber Valley
Book your tour now!
We always strive to provide an even more exciting experience with our services and tours of the Nazzano Tevere-Farfa Reserve. Various other activities are also available, allowing you to explore this reserve in a variety of ways! Choose from our canoe, mountain bike, and beach volleyball tours to book the service you want.